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Harvard-Brazil 2020 Public Health Collaborative Course in Brazil

Harvard-Brazil 2020 Public Health Collaborative Course in Brazil
Academia Médica
set. 5 - 4 min de leitura

As informações provém do David Rockfeller Center For Latin American Studies Brazil.

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Este curso colaborativo é oferecido pela Harvard T.H. Chan Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP) e Centro de Estudos Latino-Americanos David Rockefeller da Universidade de Harvard (DRCLAS).

Estão abertas as inscrições para o Harvard-Brazil Public Health Collaborative Field Course! 

Voltado para alunos de pós-graduação (mestrado, doutorado, residência médica etc.) e funcionários do SUS com experiência em pesquisa, o curso traz uma série de atividades práticas e é uma oportunidade para desenvolver projetos em conjunto com estudantes de Harvard, com foco em cinco temas: HIV, tuberculose, arbovírus, leishmaniose e desenvolvimento infantil. 

A edição de 2020, que vai de 6 a 23 de janeiro, acontece em São Paulo, em parceria entre a Escola de Saúde Pública de Harvard e a Faculdade de Medicina da USP. 

O curso é gratuito para participantes brasileiros, e as inscrições terminam no dia 2 de outubro. 

Acesse o link abaixo para se inscrever e obter mais informações:

Course dates: January 6-23, 2020.

Location: University of São Paulo Medical School (FMUSP), in the city of São Paulo.

Course format: The course combines lectures, discussions, site visits (hospitals, health facilities, NGOs, and community-based programs), and group work. Five specific topics are covered in the course: HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Arboviruses, Leishmaniasis and Child Development. Students will work in groups of 6 (3 from Harvard, 3 from Brazil), one for each topic.

Participants: 15 students from Harvard and 15 students from Brazil will be selected. Faculty from Harvard and several Brazilian institutions will lead lectures, discussions and visits.

Eligibility: Brazilian applicants must be enrolled in Masters, Doctoral or Professional Programs (EPISUS, Medical Residency Program, etc.) or work for the SUS (PSF, UBS, Hospitals, EPI Surveillance) with previous research experience. Foreigners living in Brazil that meet the aforementioned requirements are also eligible to apply. English proficiency is mandatory, and will be evaluated through a phone interview. Past participants of previous editions of the course are not eligible. All participants must have full time dedication to the course and participate in all activities. The full workload is roughly 110 hours, varying slightly from year to year.

Overall objectives: Enhance participants’ abilities to:

  • Critically analyze environmental and socioeconomic factors in Brazil that are associated with a high prevalence and geographic distribution of diseases and additional major public health concerns.
  • Identify population characteristics, such as nutrition status, immunity, degree of exposure associated with disease epidemiology and the impact of these factors on disease morbidity and mortality.
  • Foster lasting academic collaborations and joint research projects between HSPH and Brazilian participants, strengthening personal networks throughout Brazil and internationally.

Course fee: There is no course fee for Brazilian students, who will be welcome to stay with the Harvard students in accomodations provided by FMUSP. However, Brazilian students are responsible for their own travel and meal expenses.

Application: The application consists of:
1. Full completion of this online application form.
2. Submission via email of the following documents: (i) your resume (max 2 pages), (ii) transcript of the last two degrees (including the current), and (iii) a letter of reference. Please send these documents to using the subject line "2020 Public Health Collaborative Course."

The application deadline is October 2, 2019 (11:59 pm).
Application materials must be submitted in English. However, the transcripts may be submitted in Portuguese if applicants are unable to obtain English translations before the deadline. 


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