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Livros de Ética Médica em Pediatria

Livros de Ética Médica em Pediatria
Academia Médica
set. 6 - 1 min de leitura

Consta no primeiro artigo do Código de Ética Médica:

''A medicina é uma profissão a serviço da saúde do ser humano e da coletividade e será exercida sem discriminação de nenhuma natureza''.

É com tamanha importância que se abre o código que rege toda a prática médica. E, para o ramo da pediatria, não é diferente. Lidar com esses jovens pacientes requer muita técnica e conhecimento médico e, além disso, tato para tocar a alma de outro ser humano.

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Livros de ética médica em pediatria:

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Religion and Ethics in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Religion and Ethics in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Religion and Ethics in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (English Edition) - eBook Kindle Each year, neonatal Intensive care units (NICUs) in the U.S. and around the world help thousands of sick or premature newborns survive. NICUs are committed to the ideals of family-centered care, which encourages shared decision-making between parents and NICU caregivers. In cases of infants with conditions marked by high mortality, morbidity, or great suffering, family-centered care affirms the right of parents to assist in making decisions regarding aggressive treatment for their infant. Often, these parents' difficult and intimate decisions are shaped profoundly by their religious beliefs. In light of this, what precisely are the teachings of the major world religious traditions about the status and care of the premature or sick newborn? Few studies have grappled with what major religious traditions teach about the care of the newborn or how these teachings may bear on parents' decisions.

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Neuromuscular Disorders in Children
Neuromuscular Disorders in Children

Neuromuscular Disorders in Children: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Management (Clinics in Developmental Medicine) (English Edition) 1st Edition - eBook Kindle Neuromuscular Disorders in Children: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Management critically reviews current evidence of management approaches in the field of neuromuscular disorders (NMDs) in children. Uniquely, the book focusses on assessment as the cornerstone of management and highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary approach. Importantly, much of the book is dedicated to the latest management approaches in key clinical systems typically involved in NMDs. These include physical rehabilitation, orthopaedic, respiratory, gastrointestinal and cardiac management, as well as psychosocial aspects such as the transition to adulthood and sexual health needs. The latest advances in pharmaceutical therapies and future therapeutic strategies are also discussed.

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Pediatric Collections Ethics Rounds
Pediatric Collections Ethics Rounds

Pediatric Collections Ethics Rounds: A Casebook in Pediatric Bioethics (English Edition) [Print Replica] eBook Kindle Pediatric Collections offers what you need to know – original, focused research in a snapshot approach. The ethical issues that arise in pediatrics vary drastically from those in other clinical settings because young children cannot make decisions for themselves. This essential collection presents a series of cases that highlight ethical dilemmas that arise in pediatrics including End-of-Life Decisions; When Doctors and Parents Have Different Philosophies; Ethical Issues in Genomics; Ethical Issues Surrounding Permanent Severe Disability in Childhood; Research Ethics; and Issues in Law and Health Policy. This collection is intended to be a starting point for a discussion on pediatric bioethics and a reference when reflecting on similar cases.

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Rare Diseases
Rare Diseases

Rare Diseases: Too Early to Gauge Effectiveness of FDA's Pediatric Voucher Program (English Edition)

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Triagem neonatal e doenças raras
Triagem neonatal e doenças raras

A ideia para a edição deste livro nasceu do desejo de compartilhar o conteúdo do curso précongresso Triagem Neonatal – Necessidade? Realidade? Utopia?, do VII Congresso Brasileiro Multidisciplinar de Fibrose Cística, organizado pela equipe do Centro Especializado de Referência em Fibrose Cística da Unicamp. Talvez pela carência deste tipo de material, cada colega a quem recorremos para escrever os capítulos foi trazendo entusiasmo pela causa e apontando novos caminhos. Todas as sugestões foram incorporadas e aqui está a obra Triagem Neonatal e Doenças Raras, muito maior do que a proposta inicial, com conteúdo rico, conquistado pela generosidade dos vários autores engajados na luta pela triagem neonatal e dispostos a partilhar seu conhecimento e sua experiência. Trata-se de um material muito útil para pediatras, sanitaristas, gestores da saúde pública e da atenção privada e para todas as equipes multiprofissionais envolvidas no processo da triagem neonatal.

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Dolor Crónico en el Niño y Bioética (Colección Enfermería)
Dolor Crónico en el Niño y Bioética (Colección Enfermería)

Dolor Crónico en el Niño y Bioética (Colección Enfermería nº 13) (Spanish Edition) - eBook Kindle El origen de este libro se gesta en el amor a los niños que sufren, ya que la especialidad de la autora es la Enfermería Pediátrica y su experiencia personal de haber sufrido por largos años dolor crónico. El tema desarrollado en este libro, que va en su segunda edición, es inédito y la autora pretende con él sensibilizar a los futuros y actuales profesionales de la salud.

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"Save My Kid''
"Save My Kid''

"save My Kid": How Families of Critically Ill Children Cope, Hope, and Negotiate an Unequal Healthcare System (Inglês) A frank analysis of the medical and emotional inequalities that pervade the healthcare process for critically ill children Families who have a child with a life-threatening illness face a daunting road ahead of them, one that not only upends their everyday lives, but also strikes at the very heart of parenthood. In "Save My Kid," Amanda M. Gengler traces the emotional difficulties these families navigate as they confront a fundamentally unequal healthcare system in the United States. Gengler reveals the unrecognized, everyday inequalities tangled up in the process of seeking medical care, showing how different families manage their children's critical illnesses. She also uncovers the role that emotional goals--deeply rooted in the culture of illness and medicine--play in medical decision-making, healthcare interactions, and the end of children's lives.

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Ethics in Pediatrics
Ethics in Pediatrics

Ethics in Pediatrics: Achieving Excellence When Helping Children This book offers easy access to the everyday ethics problems that occur in the medical care of children. It contains practical guidance on how physicians and other healthcare practitioners may manage both straightforward and complex ethics problems. The book provides a readable and comprehensive introduction to ethics issues for beginners and is also extremely valuable to experienced practitioners.This work covers important "classical" ethical issues such as privacy, confidentiality, truth telling, and discusses the elements of the relationships that might exist between parents and healthcare providers. However, the book also provides a resource for new and emerging areas of bioethics. These include issues arising in the new population of children who are beginning to survive the neonatal and infant periods with a multitude of problems – “children with medical complexity". Finally, it also includes a section on the a

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