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Livros de Imunologia em Pediatria

Livros de Imunologia em Pediatria
Academia Médica
set. 17 - 1 min de leitura

Somos constantemente atacados por antígenos e patógenos e, para tanta hostilidade, contamos com um sofisticado sistema de defesa - o sistema imune. Por meio dele, garantimos a homeostasia contra agentes agressores e, além disso, criamos um sistema de memória imunológica para que, em uma invasão posterior, estejamos com o arsenal pronto para a batalha.

Agora, quando se trata de crianças, o desafio é maior ainda. O contato com patógenos é acentuado nessa etapa da vida (uma vez que as crianças são, naturalmente, curiosas) e temos também nessa fase o desenvolvimento e a maturação de um sistema imune. Isso faz com que seja necessário que nós, médicos, tenhamos conhecimento da imunologia de nossos pequenos pacientes.

Pensando nisso, segue o que há de mais novo em Imunologia em pediatria para que você, doutor(a), atualize sua estante!

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Childhood Illnesses and Immunizations
Childhood Illnesses and Immunizations

Childhood Illnesses and Immunizations: Anthroposophic Ideas to Ensure the Wellbeing of Our Children in This Digital Age (English Edition) eBook Kindle Based on the authors’ many years of medical experience in the “trenches,” this book offers new ways of looking at the complex topic of childhood illnesses and immunizations. Essential information is presented from an anthroposophic point of view: • CHILDHOOD ILLNESSES ― their fundamental characteristics and meaning • IMMUNIZATION INFORMATION ― benefits and dangers • REMEDIES (over 100!) ― related to immunizations and the general wellbeing of our children • ANTHROPOSOPHIC MEDICINE ― essential concepts • SPIRITUALIZED EDUCATION ― Why is it so essential in relation to immunizations? • RUDOLF STEINER’S TEXTS ― a comprehensive selection on immunizations and childhood illnesses • BASIC IMMUNOLOGY ― combining natural and spiritual scientific insights

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Neuromuscular Disorders in Children
Neuromuscular Disorders in Children

Neuromuscular Disorders in Children: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Management (Clinics in Developmental Medicine) (English Edition) 1st Edition, eBook Kindle Neuromuscular Disorders in Children: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Management critically reviews current evidence of management approaches in the field of neuromuscular disorders (NMDs) in children. Uniquely, the book focusses on assessment as the cornerstone of management and highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary approach. A key section describes the clinical picture, diagnosis standards and natural history of the most frequent neuromuscular disorders in children, including: •muscular dystrophies •spinal muscular atrophy •congenital, metabolic, myotonic and inflammatory myopathies •myasthenic syndromes •and hereditary, acquired and inflammatory neuropathies.

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Pediatric Collections Ethics Rounds
Pediatric Collections Ethics Rounds

Pediatric Collections Ethics Rounds: A Casebook in Pediatric Bioethics (English Edition) [Print Replica] eBook Kindle Pediatric Collections offers what you need to know – original, focused research in a snapshot approach. The ethical issues that arise in pediatrics vary drastically from those in other clinical settings because young children cannot make decisions for themselves. This essential collection presents a series of cases that highlight ethical dilemmas that arise in pediatrics including End-of-Life Decisions; When Doctors and Parents Have Different Philosophies; Ethical Issues in Genomics; Ethical Issues Surrounding Permanent Severe Disability in Childhood; Research Ethics; and Issues in Law and Health Policy. This collection is intended to be a starting point for a discussion on pediatric bioethics and a reference when reflecting on similar cases.

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Rare Diseases
Rare Diseases

Rare Diseases: Too Early to Gauge Effectiveness of FDA's Pediatric Voucher Program (English Edition)

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Nelson's Neonatal Antimicrobial Therapy (English Edition)
Nelson's Neonatal Antimicrobial Therapy (English Edition)

Nelson's Neonatal Antimicrobial Therapy is your go-to reference for treating neonates with infectious diseases. This handy reference provides evidence-based recommendations from leading experts in antimicrobial therapy for the treatment of infectious diseases in neonates. Get expert advice on Dosing for neonates, including low-birth-weight newborns Drug selection for bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic pathogens Drug Stewardship And more

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Barriers to Asthma Education and Management Among Pediatric
Barriers to Asthma Education and Management Among Pediatric

Barriers to Asthma Education and Management Among Pediatric Respiratory Care Practitioners: Pediatric Asthma (English Edition) eBook Kindle Asthma is a serious public health issue, resulting in 5,000 deaths annually (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2014). More than 17.7 million people in the United States have asthma, including 6.3 million children under the age of 18 (CDC, 2014, para. 1). Asthma exacerbations often result in numerous triage room visits, with annual expenditures of $56 billion dollars (Healthcare Cost and Utilization for Patients [HCUP], 2010). In 2015, approximately 1.8 million children visited triage departments for asthma-related treatment, while hospitals admitted an additional two million as inpatients for asthma care (HCUP, 2010, para. 1). Asthma affects a larger number of younger African American and Puerto Ricans in the United States—and more profoundly—“than Whites according to the ([CDC], 2014)”. Children with asthma from a racial minority

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Triagem neonatal e doenças raras
Triagem neonatal e doenças raras

A ideia para a edição deste livro nasceu do desejo de compartilhar o conteúdo do curso précongresso Triagem Neonatal – Necessidade? Realidade? Utopia?, do VII Congresso Brasileiro Multidisciplinar de Fibrose Cística, organizado pela equipe do Centro Especializado de Referência em Fibrose Cística da Unicamp. Talvez pela carência deste tipo de material, cada colega a quem recorremos para escrever os capítulos foi trazendo entusiasmo pela causa e apontando novos caminhos. Todas as sugestões foram incorporadas e aqui está a obra Triagem Neonatal e Doenças Raras, muito maior do que a proposta inicial, com conteúdo rico, conquistado pela generosidade dos vários autores engajados na luta pela triagem neonatal e dispostos a partilhar seu conhecimento e sua experiência. Trata-se de um material muito útil para pediatras, sanitaristas, gestores da saúde pública e da atenção privada e para todas as equipes multiprofissionais envolvidas no processo da triagem neonatal.

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Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases E-Book (English Edition) 5th Edition, eBook Kindle Comprehensive in scope, yet concise and easy to manage, Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 5th Edition, by Drs. Sarah Long, Charles Prober, and Marc Fischer, is your go-to resource for authoritative information on infectious diseases in children and adolescents. A veritable "who's who" of global authorities provides the practical knowledge you need to understand, diagnose, and manage almost any pediatric infectious disease you may encounter. Features a consistent, easy-access format with high-yield information boxes, highlighted key points, and an abundance of detailed illustrations and at-a-glance tables. Allows quick look-up by clinical presentation, pathogen, or type of host. Includes coverage of the latest vaccine products, recommendations, and effectiveness as well as expanded diagnostics and therapies for autoinflammatory/periodic fever syndromes.

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Sexually Transmitted Infections
Sexually Transmitted Infections

Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescence and Young Adulthood: A Practical Guide for Clinicians (Inglês) Capa Comum – 18 dez 2019 por Sophia A. Hussen (Editor) This book is designed to present a comprehensive and state-of the-art update that covers the pathophysiology, epidemiology, and clinical presentation of the most frequently encountered STIs in adolescence and young adulthood. The introductory sections discuss more general themes including approaches to obtaining a sexual history and exam, concerns of sexual minority youth, ethical and legal considerations, and health disparities in STIs in this population. Subsequent chapters are organized by pathogen such as herpes simplex virus, and human immunodeficiency virus, or clinical syndrome including pelvic inflammatory disease, and vaginitis. Each chapter begins with a case study to illustrate key characteristics of the disease process in question and includes rich illustrations, resources, and guidelines.

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Periodic and Non-Periodic Fevers
Periodic and Non-Periodic Fevers

This book, written by very well-known opinion leaders in the field, covers all aspects of periodic and non –periodic fevers, and related disorders. The expression refers to several different auto-inflammatory diseases, showing similar symptoms–the primary symptom being a recurrent fever for an infectious cause cannot be found. The opening chapters give some historical hints, explain the genetic basis of the disease and provide insights into the pathogenesis derived from recent experimental studies and guides the reader through classification and nomenclature. A large part of the book is then devoted to a detailed description of the specific related diseases and their clinical presentations, the disease course, and potential complications in both pediatric and adult patients. The advice regarding treatment is based on the best currently available evidence in this constantly evolving area.

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Managing Infectious Diseases in Child Care and Schools
Managing Infectious Diseases in Child Care and Schools

Managing Infectious Diseases in Child Care and Schools: A Quick Reference Guide This award-winning guide provides child care directors, teachers, and caregivers with essential information on the prevention and management of infectious diseases in group care settings. The newly revised and updated fifth edition is aligned with the most recent version of the premier AAP source of information on infectious diseases, Red Book(R) 2018-2021 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, 31st Edition. The robust section of more than 55 quick reference fact sheets on common infectious diseases and symptoms has been expanded to include a new sheet on croup. Additionally, the forms have been updated to align with Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards; Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs, 4th Edition, and there is a new form, "Infections Caused by Interactions of Humans With Pets and Wild Animals."

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