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Urologia - Lançamentos em robótica, oncológica, genética, pediátrica, andrológica, geriátrica, infecciosa

Urologia  - Lançamentos em robótica, oncológica, genética, pediátrica, andrológica, geriátrica, infecciosa
Academia Médica
out. 10 - 1 min de leitura

A urologia é uma das áreas que mais evolui em técnicas cirúrgicas e novos caminhos. O mesmo acontece para o refinamento diagnóstico e tratamento das patologias que ainda desafiam médicos no mundo todo.

Selecionamos alguns dos lançamentos em urologia do Brasil e do mundo para que você possa receber em sua casa.

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Campbell-Walsh urologia: Volumes 1 e 2
Campbell-Walsh urologia: Volumes 1 e 2

Internacionalmente aclamado como o livro mais proeminente na área, Campbell-Walsh Urologia continua a oferecer a cobertura mais abrangente de todos os aspectos da urologia. Perfeita para urologistas, residentes e clínicos gerais, esta atualização da obra realça todos os conceitos essenciais necessários para cada fase da sua carreira, desde a Anatomia e Fisiologia até as Abordagens Diagnósticas mais recentes e Tratamentos Médicos e Cirúrgicos. Um total de 22 novos capítulos incluindo Avaliação e Tratamento de Homens com Incontinência Urinária; Derivação Urinária Minimamente Invasiva; Complications Related to the Use of Mesh and Their Repair; Terapia Focal para o Câncer de Próstata; Adolescent and Transitional Urology; Principles of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery in Children; Imagem Urogenital Pediátrica; e Functional Disorders of the Lower UrinaryTract in Children.

Campbell-Walsh Urologia: Perguntas e respostas
Campbell-Walsh Urologia: Perguntas e respostas

Este guia de estudo é projetado para fornecer ao leitor uma revisão da urologia baseada no texto Campbell-Walsh Urologia, décima primeira edição. Cada capítulo inclui uma série de perguntas e respostas, explicações para cada resposta e diversos pontos de revisão. Nas explicações das respostas, o texto de maior importância foi destacado em cinza. Se o leitor dominar esses pontos em destaque de revisão do capítulo, conhece então a maioria dos seus pontos importantes. Além disso, se as perguntas forem compreendidas e os assuntos lembrados, o leitor entenderá os aspectos relevantes de cada capítulo.

Protocolos de Urgência em Urologia
Protocolos de Urgência em Urologia

Este livro é um manual prático para lidar com as urgências urológicas mais comuns, tanto em contexto hospitalar, no Serviço de Urgência ou na Enfermaria, como num ambiente de Cuidados de Saúde Primários, abrangendo patologias do adulto, da grávida e da criança. A abordagem de cada tema foi realizada de forma a constituir uma verdadeira ferramenta de trabalho para aqueles que têm de lidar com situações clínicas urológicas urgentes que necessitam de resolução imediata. A sua apresentação permite uma consulta fácil e rápida dos protocolos referentes às situações mais comuns, com informação atualizada de acordo com as normas mais recentes para cada patologia. ·Avaliação do doente urológico ·Material e equipamento urológico de urgência ·Exames de imagem na urgência de urologia ·Urgências infeciosas ·Trauma ·Outras afeções: órgãos geniturinários ·Urgências urológicas na criança ·Emergências urológicas na gravidez ·Urgências no pós-operatório.

Urologia Geral de Smith e Tanagho
Urologia Geral de Smith e Tanagho

Urologia Geral de Smith e Tanagho, 18ª edição, oferece uma visão completa da urologia clínica e cirúrgica. Este clássico traz uma apresentação clara e concisa da etiologia, patogênese, achados clínicos, diagnóstico diferencial, e tratamento médico e cirúrgico das principais doenças urológicas.

Urologia - bases do diagnóstico e tratamento
Urologia - bases do diagnóstico e tratamento

Urologia - Bases do Diagnóstico e Tratamento tem por propósito oferecer de maneira extremamente didática e pontual os principais temas clínicos de Urologia sob visão eminentemente prática, qual o seu subtítulo bem assinala: "bases do diagnóstico e tratamento". Seguindo essa linha didática, qual um manual, o livro apresenta 3 Editores, 30 Colaboradores, 35 capítulos, num total de 250 páginas. O livro tem como público-alvo: Urologistas interessados na atualização e reciclagem de seus conhecimentos, Residentes, Internos e estudantes de graduação em Urologia, Clínicos Gerais e Médicos de família. Urologia - Bases do Diagnóstico e Tratamento se tornará, sem sombra de dúvida, obra de adoção, de consulta e de leitura obrigatória para todos os envolvidos com a prática urológica de consultório, do ambulatório e do hospital-geral.

A Clinician's Guide to Sperm DNA and Chromatin Damage
A Clinician's Guide to Sperm DNA and Chromatin Damage

This comprehensive, up-to-date text, which brings together the key practical elements of the rapidly evolving field of sperm DNA and chromatin abnormalities, is divided thematically into five main sections. Part I discusses human sperm chromatin structure and nuclear architecture, while part II presents laboratory evaluation of sperm DNA damage, including SCSA, SCD, TUNEL and Comet assays, and cytochemical tests. Biological and clinical factors in the etiology of sperm DNA damage are discussed in part III, including oxidative stress, abortive apoptosis, cancer, and environmental and lifestyle factors. Part IV presents clinical studies on the utility of sperm DNA damage tests, both with natural and ART-assisted pregnancies, and debates the clinical utility of such tests. Finally, part V discusses current treatment options, such as antioxidant therapy, varicocelectomy, advanced sperm processing techniques and the use of testicular sperm.

O Homem de 70 Anos
O Homem de 70 Anos

Este livro é uma reflexão sobre diversas perspetivas relativas à saúde do homem septuagenário: médicas, físicas e psicológicas, mas também sociológicas, familiares, filosóficas, preventivas e efetivas. Vinte anos depois de O Homem de 50 Anos e dez anos depois de O Homem aos 60 Anos, direcionados sobretudo para a saúde sexual, a presente obra é mais ambiciosa e o seu objetivo mais vasto. Contando com a participação de prestigiados autores, o seu conteúdo explica e fomenta um envelhecimento ativo e com qualidade de vida, prevenindo e combatendo as suas consequências, e uma assistência humanizada e de qualidade na doença, na velhice e na extrema velhice. E há, também, embora nos custe a admitir, que preparar a morte da melhor forma possível. Escrito numa linguagem simples e direta, além dos médicos especialistas urologistas ou outros com diferenciação andrológica, o livro dirige-se aos médicos de família, a outros médicos interessados, a outros profissionais de saúde, e ao público estudio

Hinman's Atlas of Urologic Surgery
Hinman's Atlas of Urologic Surgery

Depend on Hinman’s for up-to-date, authoritative guidance covering the entire scope of urologic surgery. Regarded as the most authoritative surgical atlas in the field, Hinman's Atlas of Urologic Surgery, 4th Edition, by Drs. Joseph A. Smith, Jr., Stuart S. Howards, Glenn M. Preminger, and Roger R. Dmochowski, provides highly illustrated, step-by-step guidance on minimally invasive and open surgical procedures, new surgical systems and equipment, and laparoscopic and robotic techniques. New chapters keep you up to date, and all-new commentaries provide additional insight from expert surgeons. Features 10 new chapters, including Radical Cystectomy in the Male, Robotic Urinary Diversion, Laparoscopic and Robotic Simple Prostatectomy, Transrectal Ultrasound-Directed Prostate Biopsy, Transperineal Prostate Biopsy, Prostate Biopsy with MRI Fusion, Focal Therapies in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer, Brachy Therapy, Male Urethral Sling, and Botox Injection for Urologic Conditions. Includes

Complications of Urologic Surgery E-Book: Prevention and Man
Complications of Urologic Surgery E-Book: Prevention and Man

From the simple to the complex, Complications of Urologic Surgery, 5th Edition, by Drs. Samir S. Taneja and Ojas Shah, offers concise, to-the-point information on prevention and management strategies that help you provide the best patient care. Covering both office-based complications as well as common and uncommon surgical complications arising from open and minimally invasive urologic surgery, this updated, full-color volume is an invaluable resource for exam study or for convenient reference in everyday practice. Contains 14 new chapters including Management of Urine Leak, Urologic Surgery in the Pregnant Female, Complications of Gender Assignment Surgery, Urologic Surgery in the Previously Radiated Field, Complications of Robotic Pelvic Floor Reconstruction, and Complications of Robotic Cystectomy. Keeps you up to date with current preoperative management concerns including complications with effusion, hydrothorax, hemothorax, diaphragm injury, pneumonia, and air embolus.

Precision Molecular Pathology of Bladder Cancer
Precision Molecular Pathology of Bladder Cancer

This succinct yet comprehensive volume describes current and emerging concepts in molecular pathology of bladder cancer. Divided into two distinct sections, the first part focuses on the general principles of molecular findings in bladder cancer, while the second part focuses on the molecular changes associated with specific histologic subtypes. The volume also addresses such topics as molecular alterations in non-invasive and invasive disease, including bladder cancer variants as appropriate, emerging molecular classifiers of bladder cancer, and molecular associations to outcome and treatment. Written by experts in the field, Precision Molecular Pathology of Bladder Cancer is a valuable resource for those in the urologic community, including urologic pathologists, urologists, urologic oncologists and radiation oncologists, who treat and manage bladder cancer.

Imaging and Intervention in Urinary Tract Infections Uroseps
Imaging and Intervention in Urinary Tract Infections Uroseps

Aimed at practicing clinicians and radiologists, this volume provides up-to-date, detailed information on potentially severe urinary tract infections (UTIs), which frequently require intensive in-patient antibiotic therapy, percutaneous or surgical treatment. UTIs are the most prevalent infectious illness, and account for hundreds of thousands of emergency and hospital admissions yearly. Furthermore, UTIs are the most common (almost 40%) type of hospital-acquired infections, with bladder catheterisation being the key risk factor. According to the European Association of Urology guidelines, complicated urinary tract infections (C-UTIs) are those associated with structural or functional genitourinary abnormalities or with conditions that impair the host’s defence mechanisms, leading to an increased risk of acquiring infection or therapy failure. Besides offering current perspectives from urologists, nephrologists, and specialists in infectious diseases, the book presents the techniques

The Kelalis-King-Belman Textbook of Clinical Pediatric Urolo
The Kelalis-King-Belman Textbook of Clinical Pediatric Urolo

This study guide takes each chapter of Clinical Pediatric Urology: Fifth Edition―without doubt the most well-respected and authoritative book on the subject in the world―and, in the format of a Q & A style, poses the most common questions in that particular area, which those taking the ABU examinations are likely to be tested on. With a foreword from Stephen Docimo, this study guide provides crucial information to a host of urologists in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. This text is a "what you need to know" guide to the kind of issues facing pediatric urologists today. The Kelalis-King-Belman Textbook of Clinical Pediatric Urology Study Guide:

Male Sexual Dysfunction: Pathophysiology and Treatment
Male Sexual Dysfunction: Pathophysiology and Treatment

Although impotence may be the most widely recognized manifestation of male sexual dysfunction, many other forms of sexual disorders do not involve the erectile mechanism, from deficiencies of desire to disturbances in ejaculatory function to the failure of detumescence. With such a myriad-and often co-existing-number of disorders, the successful treatment of male sexual dysfunction requires not only a thorough understanding of the underlying physiology and pathophysiology, but also the coordinated efforts of multiple specialties, including endocrinology, andrology, urology, radiology, sex therapy, and even sometimes psychiatry, cardiology, or oncology. Male Sexual Dysfunction: Pathophysiology and Treatment presents the collective expertise of more than 60 international authorities in a single landmark text. From foundations in the anatomy of the male genital tract to the latest neuroimaging data, readers will appreciate the comprehensive information detailing the tremendous advances ma


De repente, vem uma dor lancinante nas costas ou no abdome, acompanhada de dificuldade para urinar ou sangue na urina. Sabia que isso pode ser uma pedra no rim querendo ser eliminada? Médicos especialistas em Urologia, Nefrologia e outras áreas, nutricionista e também estudantes de Medicina, reuniram-se para escrever sobre o tema com o objetivo de tornar a litíase urinária mais conhecida e esclarecer a todos os aspectos que envolvem o paciente. Por meio de perguntas e respostas, como em um bate-papo, este livro abrange todos os âmbitos da doença calculosa, desde a formação do cálculo até o futuro e suas sedutoras tecnologias, sem esquecer do ser humano e das histórias anedóticas do passado. Com linguagem às vezes bem simples para o paciente e outras vezes mais técnicas para os estudiosos, compartilha-se com os pacientes (crianças, adultos e gestantes) e profissionais da área da saúde interessados no tema os avanços do diagnóstico, do tratamento e, sobretudo, da prevenção de “novas pedr

Atlas of Peculiar and Common Testicular and Paratesticular T
Atlas of Peculiar and Common Testicular and Paratesticular T

This book, conceived as an atlas with emphasis in diagnostic images, presents some tumors displaying expected clinical, histological or biological behavior but in most of them that differs from that usual morphology or clinical behaviour. About 132 tumors of the testicles and paratesticular structures have been selected, representing all the testicular and paratesticular tumor groups, including germinal, gonadal stromal, non-gonadal stromal, rete testis tumors, ovarian-type epithelial tumors, and epididymis, spermatic cord and testicular covers as well as metastatic tumors. The format with large number of images allows pathologists to identify the entities included at a glance. Each section corresponds to one case including a brief clinical history, a concise histological description with immunohistochemical techniques necessary to confirm the diagnosis. In addition, each section provides several sample images, with histological details of the appropriate morphological or characterist

Varicocele and Male Infertility: A Complete Guide
Varicocele and Male Infertility: A Complete Guide

This unique textbook – the first of its kind – presents a thoughtful and comprehensive discussion of the significance of varicocele and its impact on male fertility. This hot topic is covered from a multitude of angles in seven thematic sections: origin and pathophysiology, clinical evaluation, medical and surgical therapy, controversies, pro and con debates, and clinical case scenarios. The scope of varicocele includes basic and transitional research, genetics, diagnostic testing with conventional and advanced molecular biology approaches, hormonal control, interventional therapy and assisted reproductive technology (ART). Repair of varicocele, which can be carried out by various methods, not only alleviates oxidative stress‐associated infertility but also prevents and protects against the progressive character of varicocele and its consequent upregulations of systemic oxidative stress. Even with the advances in the understanding of this intriguing disease and consensus on some area

Androgen Deficiency in The Adult Male: Causes, Diagnosis and
Androgen Deficiency in The Adult Male: Causes, Diagnosis and

Just what is the andropause? Although acceptance of the andropause concept by the medical community is growing, it is still a hotly debated issue. But as a busy clinician you have patients to treat and you need information. So where can you find the information you need to understand, diagnose, and treat this condition? Androgen Deficiency in the Adult Male: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment distills the knowledge acquired by author Dr. Malcolm Carruthers in his 25 years of research and clinical experience in diagnosing and treating the andropause into a comprehensive, detailed clinical resource. Dr. Carruthers documents the history of the search for testosterone treatment from antiquity to the awarding of the Nobel Prize to Adolf Butenandt and Leopold Ruzicka for synthesizing testosterone and patenting its production some 4,000 years later. He discusses the causes of androgen deficiency, the male menopause or andropause, and recent advances in its diagnosis. The text includes reviews o

Oxford Handbook of Urology
Oxford Handbook of Urology

The fourth edition of the Oxford Handbook of Urology has been fully updated to reflect the significant advances in medical and surgical opportunities since the previous edition, including pelvic laparoscopic and robotic surgery, new drugs in incontinence and male sexual health, and new laser devices for prostate surgery. Guidelines from the European Association of Urology, the American Association of Urology, and the British Association of Urology, as well as NICE, have all been updated to reflect the best evidence-based clinical practice. Featuring both additional and expanded topics, the new edition is up to date for use in everyday urological clinical practice, and now includes recent urological controversies such as the use of vaginal mesh, to offer the newest guidance to help with doctors' consultations with the patient. The handbook is a comprehensive and concise resource, spanning the whole field of urology in an easily digestible format, including the basics of patient assess

This atlas provides sequential pictures for most existing re
This atlas provides sequential pictures for most existing re

This updated title is the ideal reference book for residents and fellows, with step-by-step pictures and only the essential prose. The major part of the book is illustrated with magnificent photographs and diagrams depicting every step of a particular procedure. Instruments are clearly shown and have been photographed from both outside and inside the body. Chapters demonstrate accepted laparoscopic techniques that are the new gold standard in urology. Outcome analyses show that with laparoscopy one can achieve the same oncologic success as with open surgery but will less morbidity.

An Illustrated Guide to Pediatric Urology
An Illustrated Guide to Pediatric Urology

This book is vital for physicians caring for young patients with urological conditions, as a quick reference book that is easy to read and well-illustrated. Pediatric urological conditions are fairly common, and infants and children are seen on daily basis with urological problems either in clinics or in hospitals. This book is useful to general surgeons, pediatricians, pediatric surgeons, fellows, residents, general physicians and family physicians, medical students and nurses. The Editor has gained experience in the diagnosis and management of various urological problems in infants and children, working in busy hospital over the last 25 years.


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