Cursos gratuitos da Associação Médica Mundial
Estava apenas navegando no site da World Medical Association quando me deparei com alguns cursos oferecidos por uma das maiores entidades médicas do planeta.
Ao todo são 7 cursos que a entidade oferece. A maioria deles são relativos à ética médica. Outros são relativos a problemas comuns em algumas atividades médicas tais como medicina prisional, antibioticoterapia responsável e pesquisa médica.
Os cursos são antigos (alguns datam de 2004 sua última atualização) mas são todos chancelados e certificados pela WMA. Outro "problema" é que os cursos são em inglês. Coloco entre aspas porque convenhamos que não é possível imaginar que um médico não saiba pelo menos ler na língua universal da ciência. Por este motivo não me dei ao trabalho ao trabalho de traduzir os conteúdos programáticos de cada curso.
Problemas a parte, os cursos podem sim ajudá-lo a construir um currículo melhor e mais "humano". A duração deles varia de 8h a 22h entre aulas e testes, o que garante o certificado gerado pela instituição.
Os cursos disponíveis e seus conteúdos são:
Doctors working in prison: human rights and ethical dilemma
- International statements on human rights, medical ethics and international humanitarian law
- Informed consent and confidentiality in prisons
- The prison doctor's responsibility - The prison doctor's responsibility to report abuses of human right
- Dual loyalties
- Hunger strike
- Health care for women - Health care for women, and women accompanied by their children
- Health Care for Vulnerable Groups
- Care of the mentally ill in prison - This chapter outlines the strategies for care of prisoners with mental health problems.
- Violence in Prisons - Violence in Prisons: The Role of the Medical Professional
- Medical signs of torture- Medical signs of torture and other degrading treatment
- Research involving members of the prison population
- Capital punishment
- Body Searches of Prisoners
Multidrug resistant tuberculosis
This eight module course on multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is designed as a self-study online introductory course on MDR-TB for physicians. Read through each section and complete the question and answer sections at the end of each section and review any information that you did not understand.
You are encouraged to use the references provided through the links to get more detailed information on specific topics. The World Medical Association has also developed a text-based course on MDR- TB which may be used as a reference.Fundamentals of Medical Ethics
What is medical ethics? - This chapter introduces the course with a description of medical ethics and a discussion of its importance for the practice of medicine.
Principal Features of Medical Ethic - This chapter contains two lessons: The first deals with the difference between medical ethics and other ethic, and, The second with how individuals make ethical decisions.
Physicians and Patients - This chapter contains five lessons dealing with the relationship between physicians and patients and the importance of respect, communication, informed consent and confidentiality. In addition, the chapter addresses beginning-of-life and end-of-life issues.
Physicians and Society - This chapter contains three lessons dealing with the relationships of physicians and society. It discusses medical professionalism, dual loyalty, allocation of resources, public health and global health.
Physicians and Colleagues - This chapter contains two lessons dealing with the myriad of relationships physicians have with individuals other than their patients including other physicians, medical students, and other health care providers.
Ethics and Medical Research - This chapter contains two lessons dealing with the importance of medical research and the ethical requirements for the conduct of research.
Responsibilities and Privileges of Physicians - This chapter addresses the privileges and responsibilities of being a physician, the responsibilities of physicians to themselves and the future of medical ethics.
A Tuberculosis refresher course for physicians
The course is accredited by The Nowegian Medical Association by 6 hours/points, general practice, postgraduate and continual training.
Microbial Resistance CME
n 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that 63,000 patients die each year in US hospitals and 25,000 patients lose their lives annually in the European Union due to antibiotic-resistant infections. The annual estimated economic burden is US $2.1 billion in the European Union, US $34 billion in the United States, and US $2.453 billion globally.
Antimicrobial drug resistance (AMR or AMDR) is a multidimensional and systemic failure of the health, education, societal behavior, and medical policies and practices.
Four major challenges should be recognized and addressed by the world medical community.
Research Ethics Course - TRREE
Training and Resources in Research Ethics Evaluation - TRREE is headed by a consortium of interested persons from Northern and Southern countries. It aims to provide basic training, while building capacities, on the ethics of health research involving humans so that research meets highest standards of ethics and promotes the welfare of participants. TRREE achieves this goal primarily by developing a training program with local collaborators. In its initial stages TRREE focused primarily, but not exclusively, on the needs of African countries.
The training modules are available on a free and open-access basis. Most modules are provided in several languages: English, French, German and Portuguese.
Beside the training modules, TRREE also offers national supplements providing a detailed overview of the national legislation and regulation of health research in several countries from Africa and Europe.
Check TRREE regularly as new national supplements and training modules in new languages are being put online.